The Secret behind How to Improve Your English communication skills: Improving English Communication Skill Is Your Key to Success

How to Improve Your English communication skills?

Today, English Communication skill is the primary concern for most of the people whether they are school students, college students or searching for a job and I'm sure that a lot of other people will also have concerns about improving their communication skills. So, I'm sure, people from engineering, business management, or regardless of whatever field you are from. This is a very important skill.


English is a 'Language' and communication is a 'Skill'! Two very different things. Even after learning good English, your communication can be poor. When required, you won't be able to speak up!

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English Communication skills


English Communication is an 'art' that can be learned, that can be highly developed! English is a language that can be learned! The problem is, a mistake which many people make... They learn words from the dictionary, and they try to fix it wherever it is easy! And especially when we try to impress others. Then, search for strange and hard words, and use them in your sayings for demotivating other people! Other people will also be impressed that his communication, his English is very profound! This is a misconception! 



Art Of Learning: How to improve English communication


You have to create your English speaking class in your mind but first, you need to develop the art! I advise you to learn the art of communication in your mother tongue. Making eye contact, body language, voice tonality, being proactive, and these sorts of things. To learn this, English is not required! And side by side, if you want to improve your English... Keep it general! Keep a small diary, in which you are putting down hard words! Train your brain on multiple fronts. Increase your Reading! 



Questions to ask yourself: 


Are you reading at the moment? Are you writing at the moment? Do you write daily? Not in the class, not notes, do you write something? So if you are not reading, if you are not writing, are you watching something? Are you watching other good communicators, on YouTube, or somewhere else, Are you? Are you listening to audios? So, the brain has many ways to receive information, use all of them! It is an art, just like a muscle of body it can be developed. I don't know who said this, but this is a famous quote which says Communication works for those, for those who work at it! If you will work at your communication, you will get better day by day! If you will work at improving your art of converting your ideas, do hard-work, you will succeed. 


The secret behind English communication skills:


I will introduce you to a law, which not only in communication but in every field this law is applicable. It is called, 'The law of paying the price.' Which simply stated means is: If you want something, you must pay the price. Nothing is free. If you want something in life, you want to wear a nice branded suit, you want to go on a nice holiday, and you want to buy a nice camera or whatever. The things, whatever, the higher the quality, the higher, and the price you need to pay. Right! But in life's improvement, I am not talking about the money. Many people think they will achieve everything with their money. Not going to happen! 


Let me tell you about a real situation, near to my home there was a gym where I saw a very interesting scene. That in the evening, a big VIP person came to exercise. He was overweight but there were two friends along with him. Very well built like bodyguards, on a stylish bike and everything, full drama. One friend held his towel, the other held his protein shake and water bottle. Okay, naturally, he would be some big-rich-influential personality's son. But after doing all this thing, he had to do his own 'push-ups'. It doesn't matter how rich or influential your father is, you cannot 'pay' someone else to do 'push-ups' for you! So, learn to do your push-ups! Which means, to develop the communication, efforts had to be put in? Without your efforts, there is no way, no guide, no shortcut, by which you can achieve it. It's going to take efforts. It will take the time it will take hard work. 


But, here's what you need, you need good role models. Like whom do you wish to learn to communicate? Listen to TV news reporters, journalists, people who are good at the art of communication.



How to use this art for improving your English communication skills


How one person is influencing the crowd, and how I can use this? This comes first, words come later! I don't know if it the Howard University study which says that, words are only 7% of the entire communication from 1 person to them. Body-language is vast, visual is huge, your body posture, your tone of the sound, and many things. They're all combining. So, if you determine in your heart, that I need to improve in this art because this will be very beneficial in the future when you go into the work environment, you will have 100 different ideas. But if you cannot express them, what's the point? Someone else will come, he knows how to express, his ideas will be heard, he will move ahead in life.

how to improve your english communication skills,how to improve your english communication skills at home,improve your english communication skills in 30 days
English communication skills

And then you'll say, 'his good luck was better!' No, nonsense. He has developed a skill over some time in which you are slightly weak at and you can develop too. So, you need to remove this mental block. Nobody is born a good communicator. You going to work at it and you can! It's like a muscle, the more you use, the better it gets. Raise your hand when you're feeling nervous. You are in the big auditorium, some guest speaker has come in. I have done this! And at that time when, 'any question?' And instant silence in the entire hall... At that moment, you feel, I have it in my mind, should I ask or not, at that time... Raise Your Hand! The first time I raised my hand, my brain sat down! Okay, I forgot my question. But still, be stubborn, raise your hand! By the time you do it, 3 or 4 or 5 times, you will make it. 



A common issue in English communication:


When you are talking to people, who are in the same positions or on the same level, you will not find it difficult But when you need to communicate with a senior person or higher-level person, then you will find it difficult. There is only one solution to overcome this issue. Talk to more people who are in higher positions. The more you'll get comfortable, you are likely to realize that they don't bite! They are also people! And they also listen to the words, these are also normal human beings. Talking more and getting comfortable is the only way, there is no shortcut around it. 


The best way is to make yourself uncomfortable. Put yourself into those situations, where you are feeling uncomfortable, and you will emerge victoriously. But if you'll remain in your comfort zone, like always, then what will you receive? Nothing one of the definitions of insanity is, 'do the same that you are doing as always, and every evening pray to the lord to change your destiny!' It doesn't happen this way! Some poet has said it beautifully when. 'Lord has not changed the circumstances of that person, who is not concerned to change his circumstances!' Today, if you determine on how to change your circumstances, in terms of improving your English communication skills. After 6 months, with your efforts, let’s see where the results are. But without efforts, nothing will be possible! 


Tips for Improving Your English Communication Skills:


There are the things one must do to improve their English communication skills, there are lots of questions in our mind when we are on Google like how to improve English communication skills in 30 days, and is it possible to improve our English? Within 30 days or to learn a language Within 30 days I would say it’s all about Quality time practicing it and how do You practice it there are four things That you must do :




Listen more and more listen to English Videos or English movies now how will This help you listening will help you to Structure yourself and the content that You wish to deliver so when you attend Any seminars or when you watch English Movies it will not only help you to Develop your content but you will also increase your awareness about various Things so the first thing is to listen Remember we learned our mother tongue by Listening. 

how to improve your english communication skills,how to improve your english communication skills at home,improve your english communication skills in 30 days
Improve your English communication skills



Speak whenever you get any opportunity Even if it is in broken sentences take That opportunity and speak speaking will Help you to gain the confidence you will Slowly notice that you're self-Correcting yourself which is the first sign of the time of speaking remember the powerful words used in English communication. 




Read as much as possible whether you are reading online or offline, reading will help you to build up your vocabulary and also to build up the content read Whatever you like if your interest in sports, entertainment, fashion, technology Whatever is your interest go ahead pick Up a magazine, pick up a book and start reading it. Mark all the English communication powerful words this will not only help you with the vocabulary it is also going to help you to develop your content for any other seminars that you may probably give in the future. 


Observe and interpret body language


Believe it or not but communication is More of nonverbal than verbal tone and Body language plays a very important role As much as words do so when we are Converting it is not only the verbal Words that we deliver but it is also how we deliver it the tone that we Use the body language or the gestures That we have while we are speaking to Another person so try and observe good Speakers also, try to emulate certain Gestures that they use that will help You to improve your English communication skills.


Final wordings:


Understand this, the secret behind the English communication skill and these four things which you must-do Daily and practice religiously is to listen, Speak, read and observe if you are doing This religiously, make your English communication skill training routine at home I can assure you that You will improve your English communication Skills very fast because it will help you to improve your English communication skills And in your personality development also.


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